Other Voices in Old Testament Interpretation

Other Voices in Old Testament Interpretation

Untraditional Explanations of Selected Popular Old Testament Texts and Topics

W. Creighton Marlowe

The main goal of this book is to provide a collection of essays (formerly only available separately in various academic journals) that offer untraditional and original exegetical insights into, or solutions to, popular or problematic Old Testament texts and topics. It illustrates the science and art of exegesis by an author within a broad evangelical context and demonstrates the interpretive value of reading biblical texts without prejudice to tradition and with careful attention to their historical and cultural contexts. (246 pag. ISBN 9781532668609)

Marlowe, W. Creighton. Other Voices in Old Testament Interpretation: Untraditional Explanations of Selected Popular Old Testament Texts and Topics. Eugene: Wipf and Stock, 2019.