The author offers a critical reappraisal of Jonathan Edwards’s Freedom of Will, interpreting Edwards from within his own tradition, Reformed Orthodoxy (ca. 1550-1750), avoiding the outdated paradigms of the conventional interpretation of Edwards and his tradition, a so-called deterministic, reconciliationist Calvinism, and demonstrating from primary sources, such as Harvard, Yale, and Princeton commencement broadside theses and quaestiones, that Edwards parted ways with Reformed Orthodoxy’s robust and highly nuanced view of freedom of the will, contingency, and necessity. (441 blz. ISBN 978-3-525-56024-2)
Fisk, Philip John. Jonathan Edwards’s Turn from the Classic-Reformed Tradition of Freedom of the Will. New Directions in Jonathan Edwards Studies 2. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2016.