Education, degrees
- 2010–2014: Ph.D. in Greek Patristics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
- 2001–2003: Master of Theology, Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven, Belgium
- 1993–1996: Bachelor of Theology, Donetsk Christian University, Donetsk, Ukraine
Academic positions and teaching experience
- 2017–present: Affiliated Researcher in Historical Theology, Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven, Belgium (ETF Leuven)
- 2017–present: Research Professor, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
- 2015–2016: Post-Doctoral Fellow, Charles University, Prague.
- 2015–present: External Instructor of Historical Theology, ETF Leuven
- 2014–present: Adjunct Professor, Gordon-Conwell Theological Faculty, Charlotte, NC, USA
- 2003–2010: Lecturer in historical and systematic theology, Donetsk Christian University, Donetsk, Ukraine
- 1999–2000: Lecturer in systematic theology, Donetsk Regional Bible College, Donetsk, Ukraine
- 1996–1998: Translator for guest professors from Western Europe and USA, Donetsk Christian University, Ukraine
Selected Bibliography
- With Mikhail V. Shpakovsky. Zinoviy Otenskiy and the Trinitarian Controversy in Sixteenth-Century Russia: Introduction, Texts, and Translation. Studies in Medieval and Reformation Traditions 239/13. Leiden: Brill, 2023.
- Athanasius of Alexandria, Oration III contra Arianos: Old Slavonic Version and English Translation. Patrologia Orientalis 58/1.253. Turnhout: Brepols, 2021.
- Athanasius of Alexandria, Oration II contra Arianos: Old Slavonic Version and English Translation. Patrologia Orientalis 248. Turnhout: Brepols, 2019.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- “Voprosootvety Afanasiya Aleksandriyskogo k knyazu Antiochu v dvukh Serbskikh rukopisyakh kontsa XVI – pervoy poloviny XV vv.” [“Pseudo-Athanasian Questions and Answers to Antiochus the Duke in Two Serbian Manuscripts from the End of the XIV – the First Half of the XV centuries.”] Vestnik Syktyvkaskogo universiteta 3 (2023): 50–74.
- “The Metaphors of Motion in Athanasius’ Account of Idolatry.” After Constantine: Journal on Late Antiquity 3 (2023): 21–34.
- “Voprosootvety k knyazyu Antiokhu v yuzhnoslavyanskoy i russkoy kniznosti: spiski XIV-XV vv. v konvoe Lestvitsy Ioanna Sinayskogo.” [“Questions and Answers to Antiochus the Duke in the South-Slavic and Russian Traditions: Manuscripts with the Ladder of Divine Ascent by John Climachus.”] Palaeobulgarica 47, no. 2 (2023): 43–62.
- “Unlocking Two Marginalia in Old Permic Script in the Fifteenth-Century Slavonic Manuscript (RGB, Volok. F. 113, 437) with Athanasius’ Orations Against the Arians.” Byzantinoslavica 2022, no. 1-2 (2022): 146–62.
- “Antony’s Defence of Christ’s Divinity as Evidence for Athanasian Authorship of Vita Antonii.” EINAI: Philosophy. Religion. Culture 11, no. 1 (2022): 135–51.
- With Irina M. Gritsevskaya. “Pseudo-Athanasian Didactic Texts in the Slavonic Medieval Tradition.” Palaeobulgarica 46, no. 3 (2022): 91–124.
- “Athanasius in Slavonic.” In Studia Patristica. Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019, edited by Oliver Nicholson, 67–80. Studia Patristica 127. Peeters: Leuven, 2021.
- “Slavonic Quotations from Athanasius’ Orations Against the Arians in Joseph Volotsky and Metropolitan Daniil.” Slovĕne: International Journal of Slavic Studies 10, no. 2 (2021): 76–96.
- “The Image of God in Athanasius’ Contra Gentes–De Incarnatione and Orationes contra Arianos.” In Imago Dei: Forscher aus dem Osten und Westen Europas an den Quellen des gemeinsamen Glaubens. Sudientagung L’viv, 12.-14. September 2019, edited by Theresia Hainthaler, Franz Mali, Gregor Emmenegger, and Alexey Morozov, 121–43. Pro Oriente 43 / Wiener Patristische Tagungen 9. Innsbruck: Tyrolia, 2021.
- “Pseudo-Athanasian Homily on the Man Born Blind: Slavonic Sermon from an Unknown Greek Original.” Scrinium: Journal of Patrology and Critical Hagiography 16 (2020): 188-213.
- “Scribal Habits in the Slavonic Manuscripts with Athanasius’ Second Oration against the Arians”, Studia Ceranea: Journal of the Waldemar Ceran Research Centre for the History and Culture of the Mediterranean Area and South-East Europe 10 (2020): 173–214.
- “Translation Errors in the Slavonic Version of Athanasius’ Orations against the Arians”, Starobulgarska Literatura: Journal for Medieval Bulgarian Literature and Culture 61-62 (2020): 38-58.
- “Athanasius of Alexandria’s Triodion Homilies in the 14th century Bulgarian Panegyrics (Homiliaries)” [Triodnye gomilii psevdo-Afanasia Aleksandriyskogo v Novoizvodnykh Bolgar-skikh panigirikakh (gomiliariyakh)]. Palaeobulgarica 44, no. 2 (2020): 80– 100.
- With Irina M. Gritsevskaya. “Afanasiy Aleksandriyskiy i Psevdo-Afanasiy v perevodakh Epifania Slavinetskogo” [Athanasius of Alexandria and Pseudo-Athanasius in Slavonic Translation by Epifaniy Slavinetskiy]. Palaeobulgarica 44, no. 3 (2020): 81–112.
- “Athanasius of Alexandria in Old Slavonic: Context and Transmission”. Communio Viatorum LXI/2 (2019): 177-199.
- “Thematic Index of Selected Greek and Old Slavonic Ontological Terms: Orations against the Arians, Epistle to the Bishops of Egypt and Libya, and Didactic Gospel”. In Honorem 5, Preslavska knizhovna shkola, Shumen University (2019): 111-140.
- “The Writings of Athanasius of Alexandria in the Old Slavonic Medieval Tradition. Part 2: Spuria” [Sochinenia Afanasia Aleksandriyskogo v slavyanskoy traditsii. Chast ΙI: Spuria]. Byzantinoslavica: Revue Internationale des Études Byzantines 76/1-2 (2019) 161-194.
- “Joseph von Wolokolamsk”. In: Biographisch-bibliographische Kirchenlexikon, Band XL (Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz GmbH, 2019), 3-5.
- “Athanasius’ Orations against the Arians: Theological Glosses in Two Slavonic Manuscripts”. Preslavska Knizhovna shkola 19, Shumen University (2019): 77-101.
- “Epifanij Slavinetskij’s Translation of Athanasius’ Orations against the Arians: Thalia Fragments as a Case Study”. Slavia 89/4 (2019): 383-413.
- “Selective Textual Evidence as a Case for a Single Translator of Athanasius’ Orations Against the Arians into Old Slavonic”. Slovo 68 (2018): 199-226.
- “Οld Slavonic Translation of Athanasius’ Orationes contra Arianos: Reasons for Translation and the Issue of Transmission”. Europa Orientalis. Studi e ricerche sui paesi e le culture dell’ Est europeo 36 (2017): 83-96.
- “Reception of anti-Arian Motifs in the Old Slavonic Medieval Tradition. Part 1: Life of Antony” [Recepcija antiarianskoj tematiki Afanasija Aleksandrijskogo v slavjanskoj srednevekovoj tradicii. Čast 1: Žitie Antonija Velikogo]. Palaeobulgarica XLI № 3 (2017): 78-96.
- “Reception of anti-Arian Motifs in the Old Slavonic Medieval Tradition. Part 2: Orations against the Arians” [Recepcija antiarianskoj tematiki Afanasija Aleksandrijskogo v slavjanskoj srednevekovoj tradicii. Čast 2: Slova protiv Arian]. Palaeobulgarica XLI № 4 (2017): 27-54.
- “Οld Slavonic Translation of Athanasius’ Orationes contra Arianos: Reasons for Translation and the Issue of Transmission.” Europa Orientalis. Studi e ricerche sui paesi e le culture dell’ Est europeo 36 (2017): 83-96.
- “The Writings of Athanasius of Alexandria in the Old Slavonic Tradition. Part 1: Genuine Writings” [Sočinenija Afanasija Aleksandrijskogo v slavjanskoj tradicii. Čast Ι: Podlinnye sočinenija]. Byzantinoslavica: Revue Internationale des Études Byzantines 75 (2017): 5-29.
- “The Writings of Athanasius of Alexandria in the Old Slavonic Tradition. Part 2: Genuine Writings” [Sočinenija Afanasija Aleksandrijskogo v slavjanskoj tradicii. Čast ΙI: Spuria]. Byzantinoslavica: Revue Internationale des Études Byzantines, forthcoming in Prague.
- “Arius’ Thalia Fragments: Old Slavonic Version of Athanasius’ Orations against the Arians 1:5-6.” Parresia: Revue pro vychodni krest’anstvi 9-10 (2015-2016): 31-52.
- “Anti-Arian Arguments in Iosif Volotskij’s Polemic against the Medieval Judaizers.” Parresia: Revue pro vychodni krest’anstvi 9-10 (2015-2016): 53-86.
- “Sergey Bulgakov and Georges Florovsky: The Task of Relating God and Creation.” Theological Reflections / Bogoslovije. Kultura. Obrazovanije 15 (2014): 223-234.
- “Theosis in Luther: Analysis of the New Finnish Luther Research.” Theological Reflections / Bogoslovije. Kultura. Obrazovanije Special issue by Donetsk Christian University (2013): 108-127.
- “Theosis in Athanasius of Alexandria and Vladimir Lossky.” Areopagus Journal 12/3 (2013): 9-18.
- “Glossary of Theological Terms” [Glossarij bogoslovskikh terminov], in Donald Fairbairn, Inymi glazami: vzgljad evangelskogo khristianina na Vostočnoje Pravoslavije [Russian translation of: Donald Fairbairn, Eastern Orthodoxy Through Western Eyes], 267-271. Sankt-Peterburg: Biblija dlja vsekh, 2008.
- “Democracy in the Homeric Epos” [Demokratija v epose Gomera]. In Materialy Meždunarodnoj naučnoj konferentsii “Vzaimootnošenija meždu politikoj i khristianstvom”, Donetsk Christian University [Material from the Scholarly Conference “Relationship Between Politics and Christianity”], 5-13. Rovno: PP DM, 2006.
- “Paideia as the Key Method of Evangelism and Discipleship in the Early Church” [Paideia kak obscheje ponjatije o metode evangelizma i učeničestva v rannej tserkvi]. In Bogoslovije v Evangelizme. Doklady bogoslovskogo foruma [Theology in Evangelism. Papers from the Theological Forum], 155-170. Zaporožje: Piligrim, 2007.