Education, Degrees
- 2022-present: Ph.D. studies in Theology and Religious Studies, Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven (ETF Leuven)
- 2022: MA in Theology and Religious Studies, ETF Leuven
- 2022: Post-Graduate Studies in Theological Research, Kenyan Methodist University
- 2020: MA in Theology, Protestant Theological University (PThU), Groningen
- 2018: BA in Sociology and Study of Religions, University of Ghana, Legon-Accra
Academic Positions and Teaching Experience
- 2023-present: Affiliated Researcher in Religious Studies and Missiology, ETF Leuven
- 2022-present: Visiting Researcher, Wesley House, Cambridge
- 2018: Teaching Assistant, department for the Study of Religions, University of Ghana, Legon-Accra
Academic Memberships
- Institute for the Study of Freedom of Religion or Belief (ISFORB), ETF Leuven
- GloPent: European Research Network on Global Pentecostalism
- Pan-African Theological Roundtable, Liverpool, the United Kingdom
- Langham Scholars
Selected Bibliography
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- “Missionary Ventures of Ghanaian Pentecostals in Europe: An Exploration of “Reverse Mission” within the Church of Pentecost in Belgium.” Missionalia: Southern African Journal of Missiology 51 (2023): 130–41.
Paper Presentations
- “Christus Salvator: God’s Salvation in Christ, Christ’s Finality and the Christian Mission within a Religiously Pluralistic World.” International Conference on Religion and Education (Online) “Synodality on Interfaith, Gender, Achieve Peace, Gender Equality, Mental Health, Wellbeing, and Environmental Preservation.” Moriah Theological Seminary/ Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Moriah, Tangerang, Indonesia, 18-19 October 2023.
- “The Impacts of Religion on Politics in Ghana: A Case Study of Neo-Prophetic Churches and Ghana’s Elections.” ISFORB Conference “Secular States Struggling with Religious Freedom.” ETF Leuven, 4-5 May 2023.