Education, degrees
- 2010: Ph.D. in New Testament Studies, ETF Leuven, Belgium
- 1985: Th.M. in Systematic Theology, Grace Theological Seminary (Winona Lake, IN, USA)
- 1984: M.Div., Grace Theological Seminary (Winona Lake, IN, USA)
- 1981: B.A. in Philosophy, Princeton University (Princeton, NJ, USA)
Academic positions and teaching experience
- 2020-: Extraordinary Researcher in Practical Theology at the Nort-West University (Potchefstroom, SA), Faculty of Theology
- 2018-: Professor (Hoogleraar) of Practical Theology, ETF Leuven
- 2015-2021: Chair of the Department of Practical Theology, ETF Leuven
- 2015-2018: Member of the ‘kenniskring’ in the lectorate on Faith in Context at the CHE, chaired by Dr. R. Erwich
- 2015-2017: Associate Professor of Practical Theology, ETF Leuven
- 2014-2020: Extraordinary Associate Professor of NT and Practical Theology at the Nort-West University (Potchefstroom, SA), Faculty of Theology
- 2014-: Senior Researcher of NOSTER
- 2012-: Researcher, Institute for Leadership and Ethics
- 2011-: Representative the Department of Practical Theology, ETF Leuven
- 2010-2014: Assistant Professor of Practical Theology, ETF Leuven
- 2009-: Internship coordinator, ETF Leuven
- 2009-2017: Coordinator student mentoring, ETF Leuven
- 2010-2014: Member of ‘kenniskring’ in the lectorate on Spiritual Leadership at the CHE, chaired by Dr. R. Erwich
- 2001-2010: Assistant New Testament and Practical Theology, ETF Leuven
- 2002-2013: Teacher OT (’02-’06) and teacher NT (’06-’13), Evangelische Toerustingschool, Geleen
Academic memberships
- 2021- : Centre for Church and Mission in the West (CCMW), TU Kampen
- 2018- : Member, International Academy of Practical Theology
- 2016-2020 : Member, Werkgroep Kerkelijke Opbouwwerkers, Netherlands (WKO)
- 2013-: Member, Academy of Religious Leadership (ARL)
- 2013-2020: Member, Société Internationale de Théologie Pratique (SITP)
- 2013-: Member, Fellowship of European Evangelical Theologians (FEET)
- 2013-: Member, Arbeitskreis für evangelikale Theologie – praktische Theologie (AFET-PT)
- 2013-2020: Member, ‘The Future of Religious Leadership,’ part of the ‘academische onderzoeksgroep ecclesiologie’ (NOSTER)
- 2011-2018: International Leadership Association (ILA)
- 2010-: Board Member of the Institute of Leadership and Ethics (ILE)
- 2006-2014: Society of Biblical Literature (SBL)
- 2005-2014: Evangelical Theological Society (ETS)
- 2007-2010: Research Center for Early Christianity (RCEC)
- 2003-2008: Studiegroep Evangelische Oud- en Nieuwtestamentici (SEON)
Church ministry
- 2020-: Baptistengemeente De Rank, Rivierenland (Vianen) – sinds 2021, predikant in bijzondere dienst, met een opdracht in theologisch onderwijs
- 2014-2019: Baptistengemeente Maastricht (Elder, Chairman of the board 2014-2016)
- 2008-2011: Baptistengemeente Maastricht (Coordinator mid-week Bible teaching ministry)
- 2003-2007: Baptistengemeente Maastricht (Coordinator small group ministry)
- 2003-2005: Baptistengemeente Maastricht (Elder)
- 1993-2002: Evangelische Gemeente Maastricht (Missionary pastor)
- 1988-1993: Bijbel Gemeente Landgraaf (Assistant Missionary pastor)
- 1985-1987: Faith Bible Church, Granger, IN, USA (Assistant Pastor)
- 1983-: Member of Biblical Ministries Worldwide, Lawrenceville, GA, USA (church planter and missionary pastor)
Selected Bibliography
- ed. Zoektocht naar hoop voor de stad: 100 jaar evangelische stadsgemeenten in Belgische grote steden. Leuvense Cahiers voor Praktische Theologie 20. Antwerpen: Halewijn, 2019.
- With Volker Kessler, and Steven C. van den Heuvel, eds. Increasing Diversity: Loss of Control or Adaptive Identity Construction. Christian Perspectives on Leadership and Social Ethics 5. Leuven: Peeters, 2018.
- With Steven C. van den Heuvel and Peirong Lin, eds. The End of Leadership?: Leadership and Authority at Crossroads. Christian Perspectives on Leadership and Social Ethics 4. Leuven: Peeters, 2017.
- With V. Kessler, and E. Meier, eds. Christian Leadership in a Changing World: Perspectives from Africa and Europe. Christian Perspectives on Leadership and Social Ethics 3. Leuven: Peeters, 2016.
- With Patrick Nullens, eds. Leadership, Innovation, and Spirituality. Christian Perspectives on Leadership and Social Ethics 1. Leuven: Peeters, 2014, 166 pp.
- Emerging Leadership in the Pauline Mission: A Social Identity Perspective on Local Leadership Development in Corinth and Ephesus. Princeton Theological Monograph Series 168. Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock, 2011.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- “New Pathways for Religious Leadership: Change in Highly Traditioned Organizations.” In The Routledge Companion to Leadership and Change, edited by Satinder K. Dhiman, 296–313. New York: Routledge, 2023.
- “Fittingness as a Dynamic of Social Interaction: Implications for Embedding Ecological Concerns in Community Life and Practice.” In Fittingness and Environmental Ethics: Philosophical, Theological and Applied Perspectives, edited by Michael S. Northcott and Steven C. van den Heuvel, 153–66. New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies. London: Routledge, 2023.
- “Leading the Righteous: Leadership and Privilege in the Light of Romans 3.” In Led God Be True: Perspectives on Romans 3, edited by Jacobus (Kobus) Kok, Jermo van Nes, and Jeremy D. Otten, 347–72. Gorgias Biblical Studies 73. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2023.
- “Apostasy: A Social Identity Perspective.” In Religiously Exclusive, Socially Inclusive? A Religious Response, edited by Bernhard Reitsma and Erika van Nes-Visscher, 59–73. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2023.
- With Laura Dijkhuizen. “Gender-Related Inclusionary and Exclusionary Practices within Evangelical Churches in the Netherlands.” In Religiously Exclusive, Socially Inclusive? A Religious Response, edited by Bernhard Reitsma and Erika van Nes-Visscher, 245–265. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2023.
- With Dustin D. Benac. “The Value and Impact of Servant Leadership Discourse in Church Leadership Studies.” The Palgrave Handbook of Servant Leadership, edited by Satinder K. Dhiman and Gary E. Roberts, 489–516. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 2023.
- “Door de crisis heen. De rol van leiderschap in de kerk.” Inspirare, no. 2 (2023): 5–15.
- With Leon van den Broeke. “Researching Religious Leadership in a Turbulent Postmodern Context.” In Handbook of International and Cross-Cultural Leadership Research Processes: Perspectives, Practice, Instruction, edited by Yulia Tolsitkov-Mast, Franziska Bieri, and Jennie L. Walker, 164–78. Leadership: Research and Practice Series. New York: Routledge, 2022.
- “Practical Theology at ETF Leuven: Methodology, Themes and Future Perspectives.” In The Vitality of Evangelical Theology: Celebrating ETF Leuven at 40, edited by Andreas J. Beck, Jos de Kock, and Steven C. van den Heuvel, 173–84. Leuven: Peeters, 2022.
- “Practices of Knowing God in Embodiment and Encounter: A Practical Theological Reflection.” In On Knowing God: Interdisciplinary Theological Perspectives, edited by Jacobus Kok, Martin Webber, and Jeremy Otten, 205–37. Gorgias Studies in Early Christianity and Patristics 80. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias, 2022.
- “Embodiment, Identity Formation and Missional Leadership: Roots of Theory and Practice in Theological Education.” Acta Theologica 41, supplement 31 (2021): 160–78.
- “Inbedding van theologische opleidingen in kerk en maatschappij.” Handelingen 48, no. 1 (2021): 25–30.
- With Leon van den Broeke. “Researching Religious Leadership in a Turbulent Postmodern Context.” In The Handbook of International Leadership Research, edited by Yulia Tolsitkov-Mast, Jennie Walker, and Franziska Bieri, 164–78. Abingdon, UK: Taylor & Francis, 2021.
- With Judith Hildebrandt and Jos de Kock. “Personal Bible Reading and the Faith Formation of Teenagers in a Digital Age.” Journal of Youth and Theology 20, no. 2 (2021): 165–90.
- “The Charismatization of Pastoral Leadership: The Case of the Apostle Paul.” In Off the Beaten Path: A Festschrift in Honor of Gie Vleugels, edited by Jacobus (Kobus) Kok and Martin Webber in collaboration with Jeremy D. Otten and Mark Paridaens, 209–23. Beiträge zum Verstehen der Bibel / Contributions to Understanding the Bible 48. Zürich: LIT, 2021.
- “The Spirit, Artificial Intelligence and Human Bodies: Machine-Human Interaction within the Context of Divine-Human Interaction.” In Being Human in a Technological Age: Rethinking Theological Anthropology, edited by Steven C. van den Heuvel, 121–40. Christian Perspectives on Leadership and Social Ethics 7. Leuven: Peeters, 2020.
- “Leading Oneself in a VUCA World: Lessons from the Field of Religious Leadership.” In Chaos Is a Gift? Leading One-self in Uncertain and Complex Environments, edited by Ebben van Zyl, Andrew Campbell, and Liezel Lues, 211–24. Randburg: KR Publishing, 2020.
- With Annemarie Foppen. “Post-christendom context in Nederland en België.” In Religieus leiderschap in post-christelijk Nederland, edited by Leon van den Broeke en Eddy Van der Borght, 17–36. Utrecht: Kok-Boekencentrum, 2020.
- With Annemarie Foppen. “Leiderschap, hermeneutiek en groepsidentiteit in een maatschappij zonder grenzen.” In Religieus leiderschap in post-christelijk Nederland, edited by Leon van den Broeke en Eddy Van der Borght, 167–98. Utrecht: Kok-Boekencentrum, 2020.
- “The Religious Leader as Social Entrepreneur?” In Servant Leadership, Social Entrepreneurship and the Will to Serve: Spiritual Foundations and Business Applications, edited by Luk Bouckaert and Steven C. van den Heuvel, 235–53. Cham: Palgrave MacMillan, 2019.
- “The Pastor as Entrepreneur? An Investigation of the Use and Value of ‘Entrepreneur’ as Metaphor for Pastoral Leadership.” In Metaphors for Leading – Leading by Metaphors, edited by Stefan Jung, Volker Kessler, Louise Kretzschmar, and Elke Meier, 75–88. Management – Ethik – Organisation 6. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019.
- “Pastoral Leadership as Dance: How Embodiment, Practice and Identity Shape Communities and Their Leadership.” Practical Theology 12, no. 2 (2019): 312–22.
- “Inleiding.” In Zoektocht naar hoop voor de stad: 100 jaar evangelische stadsgemeenten in Belgische grote steden, edited by Jack Barentsen, 11–23. Leuvense Cahiers voor Praktische Theologie 20. Antwerpen: Halewijn, 2019.
- “Voorbeelden uit de evangelische stadskerk beweging: Redeemer Presbyterian Church en Urban Expression.” In Zoektocht naar hoop voor de stad: 100 jaar evangelische stadsgemeenten in Belgische grote steden, edited by Jack Barentsen, 129–45. Leuvense Cahiers voor Praktische Theologie 20. Antwerpen: Halewijn, 2019.
- “Vier evangelische kerken in de Belgische grote steden.” In Zoektocht naar hoop voor de stad: 100 jaar evangelische stadsgemeenten in Belgische grote steden, edited by Jack Barentsen, 147–61. Leuvense Cahiers voor Praktische Theologie 20. Antwerpen: Halewijn, 2019.
- “De roeping van de kerk in de stad.” In Zoektocht naar hoop voor de stad: 100 jaar evangelische stadsgemeenten in Belgische grote steden, edited by Jack Barentsen, 163–83. Leuvense Cahiers voor Praktische Theologie 20. Antwerpen: Halewijn, 2019.
“Richtingwijzers voor stadskerken in België.” In Zoektocht naar hoop voor de stad: 100 jaar evangelische stadsgemeenten in Belgische grote steden, edited by Jack Barentsen, 185–96. Leuvense Cahiers voor Praktische Theologie 20. Antwerpen: Halewijn, 2019.
- “Embodied Realism as Interpretive Framework for Spirituality, Discernment and Leadership.” In Leadership, Spirituality and Discernment in a VUCA World, edited by Jacobus (Kobus) Kok and Steven C. van den Heuvel, 119–38. Cham: Springer, 2019.
“The Social Construction of Paul’s Apostolic Leadership in Corinth.” HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies74, no. 4 (2018): 1–13.
- “Ambt en leiderschap in praktisch-theologisch en oecumenisch perspectief.” Handelingen: Tijdschrift voor praktische theologie en religiewetenschap 45, no. 1 (2018): 65–75.
- “Leaders as Harbingers of Hope: A Critical Analysis of Hope, Identity and Power.” In Driven by Hope: Economics and Theology in Dialogue, edited by Steven C. Van den Heuvel, 153–67. Christian Perspectives on Leadership and Social Ethics 6. Leuven: Peeters, 2018.
- With Jacobus (Kobus) Kok. “Leadership, (Super)Diversity and Identity Construction.” In Increasing Diversity: Loss of Control or Adaptive Identity Construction, edited by Jack Barentsen, Volker Kessler, and Steven C. van den Heuvel, 3–17. Christian Perspectives on Leadership and Social Ethics 5. Leuven: Peeters, 2018.
- “Altruism and Inclusive Leadership: A Social Identity Perspective.” In Increasing Diversity: Loss of Control or Adaptive Identity Construction, edited by Jack Barentsen, Volker Kessler, and Steven C. van den Heuvel, 69–87. Christian Perspectives on Leadership and Social Ethics 5. Leuven: Peeters, 2018.
- With Heuvel, Steven C. van den, and Peirong Lin. “The ‘End-of-Leadership’ Discourse in Its Context.” In The End of Leadership? Leadership and Authority at Crossroads, edited by Steven van den Heuvel, Jack Barentsen, and Peirong Lin, 3–10. Christian Perspectives on Leadership and Social Ethics 4. Leuven: Peeters, 2017.
- “The End of Authority – and Its Legitimate Future: A Theological Assessment.” In The End of Leadership?: Leadership and Authority at Crossroads, edited by Jack Barentsen, Steven C. van den Heuvel, and Peirong Lin, 13–31. Christian Perspectives on Leadership and Social Ethics 4. Leuven: Peeters, 2017.
- With Léon van Ommen. “Sola Scriptura as Social Construction: A Practical-Theological Approach.” In Sola Scriptura. Biblical and Theological Perspectives on Scripture, Authority, and Hermeneutics, edited by Hans Burger, Arnold Huijgen, and Eric Peels, 279–93. Studies in Reformed Theology 32. Leiden: Brill, 2017.
- “Kenmerken van veranderend pastoraal leiderschap.” In Gidsen die begeesteren: Over pastoraal leiderschap, edited by M. Steen, 63–78. Leuvense cahiers voor Praktische Theologie 19. Antwerpen: Halewijn, 2017.
- “Practising Religious Leadership.” In Routledge Companion to Leadership, edited by J. Storey, J. Hartley, J.-L. Denis, P. t. Hart, and D. Ulrich, 260–277. London: Routledge, 2016.
- “The Moral Challenge of Diversity Leadership.” In Challenges of Moral Leadership, edited by P. Nullens and Steven van den Heuvel, 29–46. Christian Perspectives on Leadership and Social Ethics 2. Leuven: Peeters, 2016.
- With V. Kessler, and E. Meier. “Christian Leadership in Different Contexts in a Changing World.” In Christian Leadership in a Changing World: Perspectives from Africa and Europe, edited by Jack Barentsen, V. Kessler, and E. Meier, 3–8. Christian Perspectives on Leadership and Social Ethics 3. Leuven: Peeters, 2016.
- With Willie Wessels. “Crisis Leadership amidst Disruptive Change: The Case of the Prophet Jeremiah.” In Christian Leadership in a Changing World: Perspectives from Africa and Europe, edited by Jack Barentsen, V. Kessler, and E. Meier, 27–41. Christian Perspectives on Leadership and Social Ethics 3. Leuven: Peeters, 2016.
- “Changements dans les structures d’autorité de l’Église – comment les interpréter ?” In Autorité et pouvoir dans l’agir pastoral, edited by A. Join-Lambert, A. Liégeois, and C. Chevalier, 267–278. Théologies pratiques. Namur: Éditions Lumen Vitae, 2016.
- “Van ambtstheologie naar leiderschapsdiscours: zoektocht naar een nieuwe visie op religieus leiderschap.” Nederlands Theologisch Tijdschrift 70, no. 4 (2016): 305-20.
- “Church Leadership as Adaptive Identity Construction in a Changing Social Context.” Journal of Religious Leadership 15, no. 2 (2015): 49–80.
- “A Call to Faithfulness: Spirituality as an Ambivalent Resource for Innovation.” In Leadership, Spirituality and Innovation, edited by J. Barentsen and P. Nullens. Christian Perspectives on Leadership and Social Ethics 1 (Leuven: Peeters, 2014), 119-143.
- “Innovation and Spirituality: New Faces of Leadership?.” In Leadership, Spirituality and Innovation, edited by Jack Barentsen and Patrick Nullens. Christian Perspectives on Leadership and Social Ethics 1 (Leuven: Peeters, 2014), 3-11.
- “Stereotyping and Institutionalization as indications of Leadership Maintenance in the Pastoral Epistles: 1 Timothy as a Test Case.” In Handbook on Social Identity and the New Testament, edited by J. B. Tucker and A. B. Coleman, 38–406. London: T & T Clark, 2013.
- “Paulus en Korinte: missionair leiderschap voor een Emerging Church.” Soteria 29/1 (2012): 61-71.
- “Stephanas as Model Leader: A Social Identity Perspective on Community and Leadership (Mis)Formation in Corinth.” Journal of Biblical Perspectives on Leadership 4 (2011): 3-14.
- “Interdisciplinary Approaches to Early Christian Identity, A Review Article (Holmberg, ed., Exploring Early Christian Identity (WUNT 1:226) and Holmberg & Winnenge, eds., Identity Formation in the New Testament (WUNT 1:227)).” Biblische Zeitschrift 54, no. 2 (2010): 245-52.
- “Pre-Pauline Leadership and Pauline Constitution in the Roman Church: An Alternative Interpretation of Romans 12 and 16.” In The Letter to the Romans, edited by Udo Schnelle, 589-610. Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium 226. Leuven: Peeters, 2009.
- “Destabilisatie van opkomend leiderschap. Wisselwerking tussen cultuur en apostolisch gezag bij leiderschapspatronen te Korinte.” In Gezag in beweging. Kerkelijk leiderschap tussen tekst en context, edited by Pieter Boersema, Jan Hoek, Maria Verhoeff. Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum, 2008.
- “Redemption Has a Price: A Case Study of Jewish Influence on Greek Words from a Cognitive Semantic Perspective.” Analecta Bruxellensia 10 (2005): 70-88.