Education, degrees
- 2018–present: Ph.D. studies in Theology and Religious Studies (Historical Theology), Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven, Belgium (ETF Leuven), and in Linguistics and Literary Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium (VUB)
- 2016: Master of Arts in Linguistics and Literary Studies (French and Italian) (summa cum laude), Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium
- 2011: Teacher’s Diploma (magna cum laude), ETF Leuven
- 2009: Master of Arts in Theology and Religious Studies (cum laude), ETF Leuven
- 2004: Diploma (cum laude) in Economics-Modern Languages (Dutch, French, German, English), Sint-Catharinacollege High School, Geraardsbergen, Belgium
Academic positions and teaching experience
- 2021: “Gerhard Kittel, the Church and antisemitism,”seminary in the context of the master’s course Issues in Contemporary Jewish Religious Streams (ICJRS) at the ETF Leuven
- 2019-2020: Assistant of prof. Andreas Beck for the Ba3-course “Seminarie Historische Theologie,” at the ETF Leuven
- 2019-2020: Coordinator of the Interdisciplinary College (IC, BA2-3) at the ETF Leuven
- 2019–: Junior Researcher in Historical Theology at the ETF Leuven
- 2018–: Affiliated Researcher in Historical Theology at the ETF Leuven
- 2018–: Student Pastor at the ETF Leuven
- 2018-2019: Internship coordinator (BA3) at the ETF Leuven
- 2016–2018: Lecturer at the Continental Theological Seminary, Sint-Pieters-Leeuw, Belgium
- 2016–2017: Teacher of French at the Centrum voor Volwassenenonderwijs, Leuven, Belgium
- 2011–: Teacher at the Instituut voor Bijbelse Vorming, Leuven, Belgium)
- 2007–2018: Teacher of Protestant Religion in several Flemish schools (Tienen, Brussels, Leuven, Landen)
Academic memberships
- 2022–: Member of the Brussels Centre for Language Studies
- 2021–: Member of the General Assembly of vzw Evadoc (Protestants-Evangelisch Archief- en Documentatiecentrum)
- 2021–: Member of the Editorial Board of Hokhma, Reveu de Réflexion Théologique
- 2019–: Research Associate at ISFORB (Initiative for the Study of Freedom of Religion and Belief), ETF, Leuven
- 2018–: Associate Researcher at CegeSoma — Centre for Historical Research and Documentation on War and Contemporary Society, Brussels
- 2018–2022: Member of the Centre for Linguistics (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
- 2018–2020: Member of the European Society of Women in Theological Research
- 2017–: Member of the European Association for Jewish Studies
Selected Bibliography
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- “Retour en force de l’antisémitisme non-éradiqué.” Hokhma 119 (2021): 5–48.
- “Gerhad Kittel und Judentum III. Judentum und Christentum (RGG2 1929): A Critical Discourse Analysis.” Kirchliche Zeitgeschichte / Contemporary Church History 33, no. 2 (2020): 140–67.
- With Jacobus (Kobus) Kok. “Drawing and Transcending Socio-Religious Boundaries – The Influence of Gerhard Kittel on E. P. Groenewald: The Shaping of an Apartheid Theologian?” In Drawing and Transcending Boundaries in the New Testament and Early Christianity, edited by Jacobus (Kobus) Kok, Martin Webber, and Jermo van Nes, 153–77. Beiträge Zum Verstehen Der Bibel / Contributions to Understanding the Bible 38. Zurich: LIT Verlag, 2019.
Paper Presentations
- “L’Eglise et l’antisémitisme. Gerhard Kittel, une étude de cas.” Haute Ecole de Théologie en Suisse (HET-PRO), Saint-Légier, Switzerland, 6 October 2022.
- “Gerhard Kittel’s Die Judenfrage (1933/34): A Critical Discourse Analysis.” Doctoral Colloquium, ETF Leuven, Belgium, 5 september 2022.
- “The Jewish Question and the Challenge of a Religious Minority: Gerhard Kittel’s Die Judenfrage (1933): A Critical Discourse Analysis.” Institute for the Study of Freedom of Religion or Belief, ETF Leuven, Belgium, 5 May 2022.
- “Gerhard Kittel, the Church and Antisemitism: What Now?” Amitié Judéo-Chrétienne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 23 January 2020.
- “Gerhard Kittel, Lutheran Theologian of the Third Reich? An Evaluation of His Ideology through Critical Discourse Analysis.” Doctoral Colloquium, ETF Leuven, Belgium, 5 September 2019.
- “Gerhard Kittel, Theologian of the Third Reich? A Critical Discourse Analysis.” Doctoral Colloquium, ETF Leuven, Belgium, 3 September 2018.