The Least we can do
What complicated times we live in. Our lives are restricted by circulation of the Corona virus worldwide and by various governmental measures aimed at containing the spread of the virus. At the same time, vaccines have been developed and vaccination campaigns launched. We live with a mixture of stress, fatigue, the feeling of ‘just have a little more patience’, new hope and new perspective.
In that mixture of feelings, we are also ETF community. A community in which we study and work together. A community that suffers because many of us have become distanced from each other. And unfortunately, we have to keep that up for a while.
In line with current Corona measures of the Belgian government, at ETF Leuven all education will still take place online at the start of the second semester. As soon as changes in governmental measures allow for any less strict measures in higher education and at ETF Leuven in particular, the situation will be reviewed.
This is not fun in any way. But we realize that this is the least we can do together in solidarity with everyone in society to contain the spread of the virus. This is a responsibility we must and can shoulder together. We do so with our heads held high and we persevere in doing so now that it matters most.
Again, we ask each other to persevere. It is then a matter of looking each other in the eye, even from a distance: a colleague is more than the work she or he does. A student is more than the course she or he is taking. We encourage each other and have patience with each other.
As an ETF community we believe in a God who wants to be near in all circumstances. Therefore, we pray for the sick in our community, for our government, and for healthcare personnel. And we pray for education in our country, including our own education here at ETF Leuven.
Prof. Dr. Jos de Kock