Education, degrees
- 1999: Ph.D. in New Testament, ETF Leuven
- 1982: Licentiaat Klassieke Filologie, Rijksuniversiteit Gent
- 1976: Grieks-Latijnse humaniora, O-L.-V. College Boom
Academic positions and teaching experience
- 2023-present: Affiliated Researcher in New Testament, ETF Leuven
- 2012-2023: External Lecturer of New Testament Greek, ETF Leuven
- 1983-2021: Teacher Latin and Dutch, Moretus Instituut Ekeren-Antwerpen
Selected bibliography
- With Jermo van Nes and Elbert Kroon, Cursusboek Seminarie Grieks. Rev. ed. Leuven: Acco, 2023.
- With Jermo van Nes and Elbert Kroon, Course Book Greek Seminar. Rev. ed. Leuven: Acco, 2023.
- With Jacobus (Kobus) Kok, Martin Webber, and Jeremy D. Otten, eds. Off the Beaten Path: A Festschrift in Honor of Gie Vleugels. Beiträge zum Verstehen der Bibel / Contributions to Understanding the Bible 48. Zurich: LIT Verlag, 2021.
- “Structural Studies in James,” Ph.D. thesis, ETF Leuven, 1999.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- “The Translation of Romans 3:21 in the NBV21.” In Let God Be True: Perspectives on Romans 3, edited by Jacobus (Kobus) Kok, Jermo van Nes, and Jeremy D. Otten, 121–45. Gorgias Biblical Studies 73. Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press, 2023.
- “De brief aan de Kolossenzen: De relevantie van inleidingsvragen.” In Off the Beaten Path: A Festschrift in Honor of Gie Vleugels, edited by Jacobus (Kobus) Kok and Martin Webber in collaboration with Jeremy D. Otten and Mark Paridaens, 122–41. Beiträge zum Verstehen der Bibel / Contributions to Understanding the Bible 48. Zurich: LIT Verlag, 2021.
- “Filemon in taalkundig perspectief: Enkele vertaalkwesties.” In Kort maar krachtig! De boodschap van de Filemonbrief toen en nu, edited by Jermo van Nes, 59–85. Soest: Boekscout, 2020.
- “Pseudepigrafie in de Oudheid.” Soteria 14 (1997): 81–88.