Education, Degrees
- 2019: PhD, University of St Andrews
- 2013-2015: MPhil, University of St Andrews
- 2010-2013: BA, ETF Leuven
- 2004-2010: VWO, De Passie Utrecht
Academic Positions and Teaching Experience
- 2020-: Affiliated Researcher in Historical Theology, ETF Leuven
- 2020-: Dean of Postgraduate Studies at Westminster Theological Centre (WTC), Cheltenham, UK
- 2018-: Lecturer in Historical and Systematic Theology at WTC
- 2019-2020: Assistant Dean of Studies at WTC
- 2015-2019: Teaching Assistant at WTC
- 2015-2016: Tutor for the module “Early and Medieval Church”, taught by Dr William Hyland and Dr Ian Bradley at the University of St Andrews
Selected Bibliography
- Verus Filius Dei Incarnatus: The Christologies of Paulinus II of Aquileia, Benedict of Aniane, and Agobardus of Lyon in the Context of the Felician Controversy. Archa Verbi – Subsidia 20. Münster: Aschendorff, 2022. [199 pp.]
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
- “An Authoritative Unity: St Shenoute of Atripe on Scripture & Tradition.” Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 72, no. 3-4 (2021):17–47.
- “The Alexandrian Christology of St Shenoute of Atripe.” Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 70, no. 3-4 (2018): 153–91.
Review Articles
- Review of The Song of Songs and the Fashioning of Identity in Early Latin Christianity, by Karl Shuve. Theology at St Andrews, 30 March 2018.
- Review of The Theological Athropology of Eustathius of Antioch, by Sophie Cartwright. Journal of Theological Studies 68 (2017): 356–58.
- Review of The Canons of Our Fathers: Monastic Rules of Shenoute, by Bentley Layton. Scottish Journal of Theology 69 (2016): 355–56.
- Review of Counterfeit Christianity: The Persistence of Errors in the Church, by Roger E. Olson. Themelios 41 (2016): 535–36.
- Review of The Pathos of the Cross: The Passion of Christ in Theology and the Arts—The Baroque Era, by Richard Viladesau. Transpositions (11 June 2016).
- Review of Shenoute of Atripe and the Uses of Poverty: Rural Patronage, Religious Conflict, and Monasticism in Late Antique Egypt, by Ariel G. López. The Two Cities (25 October 2014).
Paper Presentations
- “The Relevance of Classical Christology: Chalcedon, Justinian, and the Sonship of Christ.” Theology and Religious Studies Research Seminar, University of Glasgow, UK, 21 November 2019.
- “Christology in Florus of Lyon’s Opera Polemica.” International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, UK, 3-6 July 2017.
- “The Monastic Christology of St Shenoute of Atripe.” Oxford Patristics Conference, University of Oxford, UK, 10-14 August 2015.