PhD Dissertations

PhD Dissertations

Overview of dissertations since 2000.


“Kringen van licht en duisternis. De constructie van groepsidentiteit door middel van het contrast tussen licht en duisternis in de Dode Zeerollen en de paulinische literatuur.”
van Appeldoorn, Gijsbert Theodoor (Nederland)
New Testament (Joint Doctorate ETF Leuven & TU Utrecht)
Promotor: Prof. Dr. Jacobus (Kobus) Kok; Prof. Dr. P.H.R. (Rob) van Houwelingen (TUU)
Co-Promotor: Dr. M.G.P. Klinker-de Klerck (TUU)
2nd Promotor: Prof. Dr. J.W. van Henten (UvA)

“The Power of God over Life and Death: The Reversal-of-Death Motifs in the Book of Daniel in Relation to Similar Motifs in the Hebrew Bible and in Second Temple Literature.”
Yakim, Vladimir (Ukraine)
Old Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. Geert W. Lorein

“Free Enough to Grow. The Turkish Protestant Movement, 1961-2016.”
Bultema, James (USA/Turkey)
Religious Studies and Missiology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. Christof Sauer


“‘The New Covenant’ in Jeremiah 31 in Jewish Literature from the First Century until the Time of Don Isaac Abravanel.”
Ford, Randall (USA/Israel)
Old Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. Mart-Jan Paul, Co-Promotor: Prof. Em. Dr. P.A. Siebesma

“Shame [בושׁ and Cognates] in the Hebrew Bible and Akkadian Texts with Main Focus on the 10th to 6th Centuries: A Linguistic Study and Its Implications.
Schulz, Jürgen (Germany)
Old Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. Markus Zehnder, Co-Promotor: Prof. Dr. H. Neumann

“Addressing Corruption. The Ethics of uMunthu and of Dietrich Bonhoeffer as Resources for a Responsibility-Based Anti-Corruption Approach in Malawi.
Lwinga, Godwins (Malawi)
Systematic Theology/ILSE
Promotor: Dr. Steven van den Heuvel


“Group Boundedness in Corinth: Social Identity, Ingroup Distinction and Witness in 1 Corinthians 5:1–13”
Bosworth, David E. (USA)
New Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. J. Kok, Co-Promotor: Dr. H.H.W. Drake Williams III


“Towards a Reformed Enlightenment: The Cartesio-Cocceian Synthesis in the Theology of Salomon van Til (1643–1713)”
MANGOLD, Matthias (Germany/Belgium)
Historical Theology/IPRS
Promotor: Prof. Dr. A.J. Beck, Co-Promotor: Prof. Dr. A.Goudriaan
Publisher link (Brill), Brill’s Studies in Intellectual History, 352

“The Narrow Path from Human Capability to Social Progress: Insights from the Theological Anthropology of Emil Brunner for Contemporary Economic & Social Sciences”
MÄKIPÄÄ, Arttu (Finland/Belgium)
Systematic Theology/ILSE
Promotors: Prof. Dr. P. Nullens, Dr. S. van den Heuvel
Publisher link (Routledge), Routledge New Critical Thinking in Religion, Theology and Biblical Studies


“Quelle ‘nouvelle alliance’ pour les Juifs messianiques? Une étude comparative de la réception de Jérémie 31:31-34 dans le mouvement juif messianique contemporain”
DE LUCA, Michaël (France)
Old Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. M.J. Paul, Co-Promotor: Prof. Dr. E. Van de Poll
Available in Open Access on “Messianic Studies

“The Ground, Method, and Goal of Amandus Polanus’ (1561-1610) Doctrine of God: A Historical and Contextual Analysis”
TIPTON, Stephen (USA)
Historical Theology/IPRS
Promotor: Prof. Dr. A.J. Beck, Co-Promotor: Dr. D. Te Velde
Publisher link (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht), Reformed Historical Theology, 73

“Freedom from Fatalism: Samuel Rutherford’s (1600-1661) Doctrine of Divine Providence in Reference to Its Scholastic Nature, Medieval Background, and Context in Early Modern Thought”
STURDY, Robert (USA)
Historical Theology/IPRS
Promotor: Prof. Dr. A.J. Beck
Publisher link (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht), Reformed Historical Theology, 68

“Wachstumsgesetz oder Kürzungstendenz? Gedächtnispsychologische Erkenntnisse zu den inhaltlichen Überhängen in den synoptischen Paralleltraditionen”
PLITT, Torben (Germany)
New Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. A.D. Baum
Publisher link (Peeters Publishers), Contributions to Biblical Exegesis & Theology, 104


‘Rabbi’ in the Gospel of John: A Sociolinguistic Approach to Speech Accommodation on the Intratextual and Extratextual Levels”
USTINOVICH, Yevgeny (Ukraine)
New Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. J. Kok

“Die lukanischen Paulusreden: Ein sprachlicher und inhaltlicher Vergleich zwischen dem paulinischen Redestoff in Apg 9-28 und dem Corpus Paulinum
Gleich, Daniel A. (Germany/Switzerland)
New Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. A.D. Baum
Publisher link (Evangelische Verlagsanstalt), Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte (ABG), 70

“Locals as Stakeholders: An Investigation of the Contribution of Romanian Evangelicals to North American Missionary Ministry Evaluation
LaBRECHE, Pamela June (USA/Romania)
Religious Studies and Missiology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. K.W. Müller; Co-Promotor: Prof. Dr. A.-M. Kool (ETS Osijek, Croatia)

“Korean Migrant Churches in Germany: An Analysis of Cultural Religious Differences between the First and Second Generation Korean Christians with Focus on Bicultural Identity
LIM, Ji-Ung (Germany/South Korea)
Religious Studies and Missiology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. P.R. Boersema; Co-Promotor: Prof. Dr. John Yong-Joon Choi
Publisher link (Verlag Dr. Kovač), THEOS – Studienreihe Theologische Forschungsergebnisse, 152


“Zur Missiologie Fredrik Fransons (1852–1908). Eschatologie, Missionsmethodik und Transnationale Vernetzung
REIFLER, Hans Ulrich (Switzerland)
Religious Studies and Missiology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. C. Sauer

Das vierte Evangelium aus Sicht der semitischen Sprachen. Ein linguistischer Beitrag zur Klärung der johanneischen Frage”
WASSERMANN, Clemens (Germany)
Old Testament/New Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. G.W. Lorein; Co-Promoter: Prof. Dr. S. Talay (Freie Universität Berlin)
Publisher link (Evangelische Verlagsanstalt), Arbeiten zur Bibel und ihrer Geschichte (ABG), 65

Countering Mission Drift in a Faith-based Organization: An Interdisciplinary Theological Interpretation Focused on the Identity Formation of World Vision”
LIN, Peirong (Belgium / Singapore)
Systematic Theology/Religious Studies and Missiology (ILSE)
Promotors: Prof. Dr. P. Nullens, Prof. Dr. H. Jochemsen (WUR); Co-Promotor: Prof. Dr. P. Boersema
Publisher link (Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft), edition pro mundis, 20


Maranatha (1 Corinthians 16.22). Linguistic, Historical, and Literary-Contextual Issues”
MESSMER, Andrew (Spain/USA)
New Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. M.I. Webber

“De nieuwe hemel en nieuwe aarde. Een interdisciplinaire vergelijking tussen Karl Rahner, Jürgen Moltmann en Gregory Beale”
HAUSOUL, Raymond R. (Belgium)
Systematic Theology
Promotors: Prof. Dr. J. Hoek, Prof. Dr. M.J. Paul
Publisher link (Wipf and Stock Publishers)

“The Christology of Severian of Gabala: In What Sense Can He be Called Antiochene?
BROWN, Dudley (USA)
Historical Theology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. D.M. Fairbairn; Co-Promotor: Prof. Dr. M.I. Webber

“Pauline Language and the Pastoral Epistles: A Study of Linguistic Variation in the Corpus Paulinum”
VAN NES, Hendrik Jermo (The Netherlands)
New Testament – Joint Doctorate ETF Leuven & TU Kampen
Promotors: Prof. Dr. A.D. Baum, Prof. Dr. P.H.R. van Houwelingen (TU Kampen); Co-Promotor: Prof. Dr. H. von Siebenthal (STH Basel)
Publisher link (Brill), Linguistic Biblical Studies, 16


“Tradition and Innovation: Baptismal Rite and Mystagogy in Theodore of Mopsuestia and Narsai of Nisibis”
WITKAMP, Nathan (The Netherlands)
Historical Theology – Joint Doctorate ETF Leuven & VU University Amsterdam
Promotors: Prof. Dr. D.M. Fairbairn, Prof. Dr. P.J.J. van Geest (VU University Amsterdam)
Publisher link (Brill), Vigiliae Christianae, Supplements, 149

“Gereformeerde christenen ontmoeten Surinaams-Hindostaanse hindoes in het Rijnmondgebied: Een analyse van de ontmoeting vanuit de verschillen in cultuur en religie”
VAN DER LUGT, Arie Simon (The Netherlands)
Religious Studies and Missiology – Joint Doctorate ETF Leuven & TU Kampen
Promotors: Prof. Dr. P.R. Boersema, Prof. Dr. S. Paas (TU Kampen); Co-Promotor: Dr. F.L. Bakker (Utrecht University)

“Christians of Maghrebi Background and French Evangelical Protestant Churches: The Role of Social, Cultural and Religious Values in Conversion and Affiliation”
KRONK, Richard (USA)
Religious Studies and Missiology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. P. Boersema; Co-Promotor: Prof. Dr. E. van de Poll

“More Desirable than Light Itself. Friendship Discourse in John Chrysostom’s Soteriology”
VERHOEFF, Maria (Belgium)
Historical Theology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. D.M. Fairbairn

“Widening the Screen. Orthodox Protestant Film Viewers in The Netherlands and the Appropriation of Meaning in Relation to their Religious Identity”

VAN HELL, Rinke (The Netherlands)
Practical Theology – Joint Doctorate ETF Leuven & VU University Amsterdam
Promotors: Dr. R. Erwich, Prof. Dr. R. Ganzevoort (VU University Amsterdam)

“Tot zonde gemaakt: De Engelse antinomiaanse controverse (1690-1700) over de toerekening van de zonden aan Christus, met bijzondere aandacht voor Herman Witsius’ Animadversiones Irenicae (1696)”
VAN DEN BRINK, Gert (The Netherlands)
Historical Theology/IPRS – Joint Doctorate ETF Leuven & VU University Amsterdam
Promotors: Prof. Dr. A.J. Beck, Prof. Dr. W. Janse (VU University Amsterdam)
Publisher link (Summum Academic Publications)


“Jonathan Edwards (1703-58) on Freedom of Perfection: Establishing the Shift Away from the Classic-Reformed Tradition of Freedom of the Will”
FISK, Philip (Belgium)
Historical Theology/IPRS
Promotors: Prof. Dr. A. Vos, Prof. Dr. A. J. Beck
Publisher link (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht), New Directions in Jonathan Edwards Studies, 2

“A (S)Word against Babylon: An Examination of the Multiple Speech Act Layers within Jeremiah 50-51”
HOLROYD, Kristofer (USA)
Old Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. H. H. Klement
Publisher link (Eisenbrauns), Siphrut: Literature and Theology of the Hebrew Scriptures, 22

“The History of the Belgian Gospel Mission from 1918 to 1962”
PRINS, Aaldert (Belgium)
Historical Theology; Religious Studies and Missiology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. K. Fiedler; Co-Promotor: Prof. Dr. A. J. Beck

“Human Tears, Divine Tears: A Narrative Analysis of Anglican Liturgy in Relation to Stories of Suffering People”
VAN OMMEN, Léon (Belgium)
Practical Theology
Promotor: Dr. R. Erwich; Co-Promotor: Prof. Dr. P. E. Bradshaw (University of Notre Dame, IN, USA)
Publisher link (Routledge), Liturgy, Worship and Society Series

“Bonhoeffer’s Christocentric Theology and Fundamental Debates in Environmental Ethics”
VAN DEN HEUVEL, Steven (The Netherlands)
Systematic Theology – Joint Doctorate ETF Leuven & TU Kampen
Promotors: Prof. Dr. P. Nullens; Prof. Dr. A. L. Th. de Bruine (TU Kampen)
Publisher link (Wipf and Stock Publishers), Princeton Theological Monograph Series


“Ecumenical Dialogue with a Non-Institutional Movement: A Systematic-Historical Analysis of Pentecostal Involvement in the International Roman Catholic-Classical Pentecostal Dialogue (1972-2007)”
CREEMERS, Jelle (Belgium)
Systematic Theology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. J. Hoek; Co-Promotors: Prof. Dr. P. De Mey (KU Leuven), Prof. Dr. V.-M. Kärkkäinen (Fuller Theological Seminary, CA, USA; University of Helsinki, Finland)
Publisher link (Bloomsbury T&T Clark), Ecclesiological Investigations

“Mosetora und Jahwetora. Das Verhältnis von Deuteronomium 12-26 zu Exodus, Levitikus und Numeri”
KILCHÖR, Benjamin (Switzerland)
Old Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. H.J. Koorevaar
Publisher link (Harrassowitz Verlag), Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Altorientalische und Biblische Rechtsgeschichte, 21


“A Historical and Missiological Investigation of the Growth of the Assembléia de Deus in Pará, Brazil, from 1980 to 2010”
KENNEDY, Henry Anthony (Brazil/USA)
Religious Studies and Missiology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. K. Fiedler

“The Charismatic Movement in Sierra Leone (1980-2010): A Missio-historical Analysis in View of African Culture, Prosperity Gospel and Power Theology”
BANGURA, Joseph Bosco (Sierra Leone)
03/09/2013, ETF; Double Doctorate with VU University Amsterdam, 11/12/2013
Religious Studies and Missiology
Promotors: Prof. Dr. K. Fiedler; Prof. Dr. B. van den Toren (VU University Amsterdam; Wycliffe Hall, University of Oxford)
Open Access (VU Research Portal)


“Mystical Union as Interpretive Community: Ontological Foundations for a New-Creational Hermeneutic of Scripture in Dialogue with James K. A. Smith and John Zizioulas”
ZITO, Christopher Charles (Italy)
Systematic Theology
Promotor: Dr. R. T. Michener


“Developing Leadership Patterns in Pauline Communities in Corinth and Ephesus: A Social Identity Perspective”
BARENTSEN, Jack (The Netherlands)
New Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. M.I. Webber
Publisher link (Wipf & Stock Publishers), Princeton Theological Monograph Series, 168 | Award: Fredric M. Jablin Doctoral Dissertation Award, International Leadership Association & University of Richmond

“The Thoroughfare Motif in Luke-Acts: Its Poetic Value and Theological Implications”
MORGAN, James Maurice (Switzerland/USA)
New Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. M.I. Webber
Publisher link (Wipf & Stock Publishers)

“Kirche als Zeichen des Reiches Gottes. Eine Studie zur Bedeutung des Reiches Gottes für die Kirche in Auseinandersetzung mit Küng, Moltmann, Pannenberg und Hauerwas”
EGGENBERG, Thomas (Switzerland)
Systematic Theology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. M.W. Pretorius; Co-promotores: Prof. Dr. A.J. Beck; Prof. Dr. C. van der Kooi (VU University Amsterdam)
Publisher link (LIT-Verlag), Studien zu Theologie und Bibel, 14

“The Johannine Discourses and the Teaching of Jesus in the Synoptics: A Comparative Approach to the Authenticity of Jesus’ Words in the Fourth Gospel”
BARTHOLOMÄ, Philipp Fabian (Germany)
New Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. A.D. Baum
Publisher link (Franke), Texte und Arbeiten zum neutestamentlichen Zeitalter, 57

“Können christliche Glaubensüberzeugungen Wissen sein? Der Beitrag Alvin Plantingas zur Bestimmung des epistemischen Status von christlichen Glaubensüberzeugungen”
KLEIN, Ralf-Thomas (Germany)
Historical & Systematic Theology/ Philosophy
Promotor: Prof. Dr. A.J. Beck; Co-Promotors: Prof. Dr. A. Vos; Prof. Dr. D. von Wachter (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile)
Publisher link (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht), Forschungen zur systematischen und ökumenischen Theologie, 117

“Die ‘Belowianer’ in Hinterpommern. Ihr Weg vom enthusiastischen Aufbruch zur Bildung einer Freikirche”
SOMMER, Gottfried (Germany)
Historical Theology
Promotor: Prof. em. Dr. K.-H. Kuhlmann


“A History of the Evangelische Christengemeenten Vlaanderen: Its Origins and Development, 1971-2008″
MARINELLO, Thomas J. (The Netherlands)
Historical Theology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. D.G. Tinder; Co-promotor: Prof. Dr. P. Nullens
Publisher link (Wipf & Stock Publishers), Pickwick Publications

“Particularism and Universalism in the Sermon on the Mount”
PASCHKE, Boris Alexander (Germany)
New Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. M.I. Webber
Publisher link (Aschendorff Verlag), Neutestamentliche Abhandlungen, Neue Folge, 56

“The German Church Growth Association: 1985-2003. A Historical Analysis in View of its Ecclesiology”
MCRAE, Fred (Germany / USA)
Religious Studies and Missiology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. W. Wagner; Co-promotor: Prof. Dr. H. Stadelmann
Publisher link (popularized edition; Wipf & Stock)


“Mennonitische Diakonie am Beispiel Paraguay. Eine diakonietheologische Untersuchung”
GIESBRECHT, Heinz Dieter (Paraguay)
Practical Theology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. H. Stadelmann
Publisher link (Universitätsverlag Winter), Veröffentlichungen des Diakoniewissenschaftlichen Instituts an der Universität Heidelberg, 45

“Sacred Times For Chosen People: Development, Analysis and Missiological Significance of Messianic Jewish Holiday Practice”
VAN DE POLL, Evert (France / Belgium)
Religious Studies and Missiology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. P.A. Siebesma
Publisher link (Boekencentrum), Mission, 46 | Award: Franz-Delitzsch-Förderpreis 2009


“The Belief Systems and Decision Making of the Isan of Northeast Thailand”
SAIYASAK, Chansamone (Thailand)
Religious Studies and Missiology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. W. Wagner; Co-promotor: Prof. Dr. S. Bailey (Alliance Theological Seminary in Nyack, New York)

“Ethnocentrism. U.S.-American Evangelical Missionaries in Romania: Qualitative Missiological Research into Representative Cross-Cultural Value Based Conflicts”
LaBRECHE, Andrew (USA/Romania)
Religious Studies and Missiology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. K.W. Müller; Co-promotor: Prof. Dr. P.R. Boersema


“Ein Priestervolk für alle Völker: Der Segensauftrag Israels für alle Nationen in der Tora und den Vorderen Propheten”
RIECKER, Siegbert (Germany)
Old Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. H. Koorevaar
Publisher link (Katholisches Bibelwerk), Stuttgarter Biblische Beiträge, 59

“Postmodern Hermeneutics and the Evangelical Response”
BASSARA, Czeslaw (Poland)
Systematic Theology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. W.J. Ouweneel

“Bibelorientiert-kontextuelle Kirchentheorie: Eine kritisch-konstruktive Auseinandersetzung mit dem Kirchenverständnis neuerer praktisch-theologischer Entwürfe”
SCHWEYER, Stefan (Switzerland)
Practical Theology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. H. Stadelmann
Publisher link (Theologischer Verlag Zürich) | Award: Johann-Tobias Beck Preis 2008


“Canon Hebraeorum – Canon Ecclesiae: Eine Studie zur Begründung alttestamentlicher Schriftkanonizität in neuerer römisch-katholischer Dogmatik im Hinblick auf die deuterokanonische Frage”
HAHN, Andreas (Germany)
Systematic Theology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. M.W. Pretorius
Publisher link (LIT Verlag), Studien zur Theologie und Bibel, 2 | Award: Johann-Tobias Beck Preis 2010

“Ibrahim, Khalil Allah: Eine Anfrage an die Abrahamische Ökumene”
JOSUA, Hanna (Germany)
Promotor: Prof. Dr. K. Fiedler; Co-promotor: Prof. Dr. U. Spuler-Stegemann (Philipps-Universität Marburg)
Publisher link (Mohr Siebeck), Hermeneutische Untersuchungen zur Theologie, 69 | Award: Johann-Tobias Beck Preis 2016

“Die Melchisedek-Typologie in Hebräer 7,1-28: Ihre Beziehung zu kontemporären Melchisedek-Traditionen und den Prinzipien jüdischer Schriftexegese”
BENSEL, Klaus (Germany)
New Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. G. Vleugels; Co-promotor: Prof. Dr. E. Mauerhofer


“Die Ketuvim: Ihr Aufbau und ihre Botschaft”
STEINBERG, Julius (Germany)
Old Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. H. Koorevaar
Publisher link (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht), Bonner Biblische Beiträge, 152 | Award: Johann-Tobias Beck Preis 2007

“Necromantic Aspects in I Samuel 28:3-25 in Relation to the Apparition of Samuel: An Exegetical Study”
KARMAN, Yonky (Indonesia)
Old Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. G. Maier

“Die nicht geschehene Heilung: Eine Darstellung und Prüfung ihrer theologischen Einordnung vonseiten der Heilungsvertreter”
SCHARFENBERG, Roland (Germany)
Systematic Theology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. M.W. Pretorius
Publisher link (VTR Verlag für Theologie & Religionswissenschaften)


“Een onderzoek naar de doopsgezind-gereformeerde tegenstelling in de Nederlanden in de 16e eeuw inzake het vraagstuk van de kerkelijke tucht”
BLOKLAND, Gottlieb (Belgium)
Historical Theology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. G. Bos; Co-Promotor: Prof. Dr. M.W. Pretorius

“The Historical Development and Endurance of the Bulgarian Baptist and Pentecostal Evangelicals up to 1989: A Comparative Analysis”
DIMITROV, Joseph (Bulgaria/Belgium)
Historical Theology
Promotor: Prof. Dr. D.G. Tinder; Co-Promotor: Prof. Dr. P. Mojzes (Rosemont College in Pennsylvania, USA)

“Jahwe, du kennst mich: Eine Studie zu Psalm 139 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung seiner anthropologischen Aussagen”
KÜMMERLE, Andreas (Germany)
Old Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. G. Maier


“Die Erneuerung des Menschen bei Paulus” (Eine neutestamentlich – exegetische Studie)
BUCHEGGER, Jürg (Switzerland)
New Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. E. Mauerhofer; Co-Promotor: Prof. Dr. G. Vleugels
Publisher link (Francke-Verlag), Texte und Arbeiten zum neutestamtentlichen Zeitalter, 40 | Award: Johann-Tobias Beck Preis 2005

“The Syntactical Meanings of the Adnominal Genitive Constructions in the Pauline Corpus”
KHALAF, Ghassan Elia (Lebanon)
New Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. R.R. Melick; Co-Promotor: Prof. Dr. G. Vleugels

“Restauratio und Resurrectio in der Jesaja-Apokalypse”
KLEGER, Roland (Switzerland)
Old Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. G. Maier; Co-Promotor: Prof. Dr. W.J. Ouweneel
Publisher link (Diplomica Verlag)


“The Changing World of Interdenominational Faith Missions: A History of the Unevangelized Fields Mission in France and its predecessors: The Thonon Evangelistic Mission and the Alpine Mission to France”
REEVES, Virgil. L. (USA)
Promotor: Prof. Dr. K. Fiedler

“Les Nouvelles Eglises Independantes Africaines (NAICs): un phénomène ecclésial observé au Congo-Kinshasa et auprès de ses extensions en Europe Occidentale”
NGIMBI, Kibutu (Zaire/Belgium)
Promotor: Prof. Dr. K. Fiedler; Co-Promotor: Prof. Dr. K.-H. Kuhlmann

“The New Testament Use of Old Testament Historical Narrative and the Implications for the Exemplary Interpretation of Old Testament Narrative”
RENNINGER, William Richard, Jr. (USA)
Old Testament
Promotor: Prof. Dr. G. Maier; Co-Promotor: Prof. Dr. D. Moreland

Professors Vleugels and Koorevaar Give Farewell Lectures

Professors Vleugels and Koorevaar...

Both biblical scholars with long track records at ETF Leuven will hold their farewell lectures during the annual doctoral week.

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Resisting the Divide - A Theological Contribution to Economic and Social Policy

Resisting the Divide - A Theological...

A Theological Contribution to Economic and Social Policy

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