New Testament

New Testament

Department chair: Prof. Dr. Jacobus (Kobus) Kok

Studies in New Testament

Research in the department of New Testament focuses mainly on two lines of investigation. Firstly, within the canon of the New Testament, research is being conducted into the relationships between the various parts of the New Testament (Gospels, Acts, Pauline and Catholic Epistles). Secondly, the department joins in the current debate regarding the relationship between the canonical books and other early Christian literature. This debate deals with subjects such as pseudepigraphy, historiography, early Christian hymns and prayers, and baptism. This second line of research is followed mainly within the Research Centre for Early Christianity (RCEC) and in cooperation with the department of Historical Theology. The department also pays attention to teaching Greek in a Dutch-speaking context.

Independent Academic Personnel

Prof. Dr. Jacobus (Kobus) Kok (Social) identity, drawing and transcending borders; healing, restoration and renovation in John
Prof. Dr. Armin Baum Greco-Roman background, history
Dr. Jermo van Nes Koine Greek, Pauline Literature, Quantitative Linguistics
Prof. Dr. Martin Webber Liturgy, Catholic Epistles

Special Academic Personnel

Dr. Dogara Manomi
Dr. Jeremy Otten Luke, Acts
Dr. Mark Paridaens Classical/Koine Greek, Valency grammar
Dr. Boris Paschke Matthew, Early Christian Prayer
Dr. H.H. Drake Williams III Corinthians, Paul, the Old Testament in the New

External Instructors

Dr. Michael Mulder

Doctoral students (with or without AAP/SAP status)

Isaac Ampong Children in the Gospel of Matthew
Daniel Knoll
The Hardening of Hearts: A Motif in Biblical Theology
Benoît Lemestrez Caractérisation et valorisation des personnages secondaires dans Marc 2,1-12; 5,25-34; 10,48-52 et la relation entre le concept de la foi marcienne et ses milieux linguistiques
Samuel Aklilu Mezmur The Metaphor of Planting and Uprooting in Jeremiah and the Former Prophets (Joshua–2 Kings) and Its Use in Paul
Eric Moerdyk Participation in Christ according to Philippians
Sascha Neudorf Die Schöpfungsordnung als ethisches Basiskriterium im Neuen Testament
Mark Steinfield Narrative Portrait of Christ in Revelation
Gijsbert van Appeldoorn The Formation of Identity with the Use of the Pair Light and Darkness in the New Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls (Joint PhD Project with TU Kampen | Utrecht)
Merja Vuolteenaho The Divine Council in Second Temple and New Testament Literature

Research institutes and groups

Research Center for Early Christianity (RCEC)

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