Religious Freedom & Religious Persecution
This is one of three inspiring courses offered in ETF’s Summer Colloquium, scheduled August 21–26, 2023. This international study week includes lectures, various workshops and times for meeting and reflection.
Registration is open until 1 June 2023. |
This course seeks to introduce students to the realities and complexities of freedom of religion or belief on local and international levels and to theological considerations of religious persecution. The freedom to organize your life in accordance with personal conscience and/or beliefs is a fundamental human right and of crucial importance not only to the individual, but also to community life and healthy and free societies. This right to freedom of religion or belief can easily succumb to power dynamics within any given society – be it religious or secular, democratic or authoritarian. Religious communities are often fierce defenders of religious freedom for (fellow) believers and/or themselves. At the same time, they are very aware of religious persecution and even attribute spiritual value to suffering for one’s faith. Situated at the intersection of religious studies, missiology and human rights discourses, this course engages with key questions related to religious freedom and persecution from multidisciplinary perspectives.

PROF. DR. JELLE CREEMERS is the Academic Dean, as well as Professor and Department Chair of Religious Studies and Missiology at ETF Leuven.

DR. TATIANA KOPALEISHVILI is Affiliated researcher in Religious Studies and Missiology at ETF Leuven
Summer ColloquiumETF’s Summer Colloquium in August 2023 features three inspiring courses which intersect theology, church and society. The two other courses are: ● “Isaiah and Ecology” by Prof. Dr. Jaap Dekker (Theological University Kampen | Utrecht) ● “Mission in the Context of World Christianity” by Prof. Dr. Benno van den Toren (Protestant Theological University, Groningen) and Dr. Bosco Bangura (Protestant Theological University, Groningen & ETF Leuven) This international study week includes lectures, various workshops and times for meeting and reflection. Our Summer Colloquium is compulsory for ETF Open University students open to interested people with academic qualifications and can serve as additional in-service training for pastors, teachers, and other ministry professionals. |