Residence on Campus
Our campus has a residence facility with about sixty student rooms: simply furnished rooms, larger rooms with bathroom, and studios with kitchen and bathroom. Some rooms are suitable for two persons. In addition, there is a large kitchen where students can cook and eat collectively. The residence hall is primarily intended for students of ETF Leuven, but it is also open to other Christian students who are studying in Leuven.
Anyone who is accepted as a new student in one of our programs will be given the possibility to apply for a room in the residence hall at the beginning of June. In the middle of June, the pedacommissie (= housing committee) evaluates the applications. We try to provide a room for all new students who have applied. Rooms are allocated in order of application, and the indicated choice of room is taken into account as much as possible. In the allocation of the studios, priority is given to married couples and older students.
In principle, a room is rented for ten or twelve months. The rental price depends on the size of the room and the facilities provided, and lies slightly below the average market price in Leuven. At the moment, prices vary from about € 340,- to € 640,- per month. The rental price includes some utilities, such as the cost of heating, water and internet access. Payment of the rent takes place on a monthly basis.
For more information about living at the ETF Leuven, please contact the concierge.