Library information – Doctoral Colloquium 2024

The catalog and general information on the library and its use can be found on the library website.

Opening hours
Library account
Online resources
Access to KU Leuven libraries
Inter-Library Loan Service
Research tables
Book scanner
Scan requests
Automatic renewal
Return books by mail
Creating lists and holds

Go back to overview page Doctoral Colloquium 2024

Opening hours

See the online schedule at TeamUp.
Please note: the library is closed during promotions and special events.

Library account

For new students an account for the library website is created and login credentials automatically sent via email. For recurring students, you can reset your password via the library website if needed.

Please note that we are not yet using a central authentication system. Thus, e.g. your login for Virtual Campus is not the same as for the library, although the username should be the same.

Online resources

See Virtual Campus for a full overview and access info of our paid subscription resources.

In addition, a selection of open access resources can be found on the library website.

Should you be on campus during the year, an overview of resources available on campus without login can also be found on the library website.

Our main online resources:

  • EBSCO Databases (Religion and Philosophy; Atla Religion Database with AtlaSerials; ERIC)
    • Shared login credentials on Virtual Campus
  • EBSCO e-books (owned e-books and eBook Academic and Religion Collection, more than 250 000 e-books)
    • Same shared login and platform as for databases above
  • ProQuest Religion Database (journals)
    • Shared login credentials on Virtual Campus
  • ProQuest Ebook Central (150 owned e-books and open access e-books collection)
    • Personal account needed. New students automatically receive an account. Recurring students have an account. Username is same as Virtual Campus and library account. You can do a password reset if needed. If you have trouble logging in, please send us an email to .
Access to KU Leuven Libraries

ETF students and staff can get free access to all KU Leuven libraries, including the theological Maurits Sabbe library, the Central Library, the library of the Institute of Philosophy and other relevant libraries of KU Leuven. You can apply for a year pass online. Afterwards you need to physically go to the Maurits Sabbe library to get your pass. Make sure to take your ETF student card with you. You can refer to this website which mentions the card is free for ETF students and staff, if needed.

Inter-Library Loan Service

ETF library does not provide Inter-Library Loans (ILL). However, ETF students and staff can make use of the KU Leuven ILL service after obtaining a KU Leuven library year pass. The fees for KU Leuven students will apply to you. See more information on our FAQs webpage. With this service you have access to virtually all libraries worldwide.

Research tables

If your research or study requires that you consult a particular work available in the physical library, you are very welcome to visit us. We have research tables available upon request for a longer stay.

Write us an email with your request and your research subject ().

Book scanner

There is a book scanner in the entrance wing of the library that you can use to scan parts of books at no cost (in observation of copyright law). The book scanner is equipped with optical character recognition (OCR) software. See more information on our FAQs webpage about scanning and OCR.

Scan requests

If you are not on campus and you cannot find what you are looking for in our digital subscriptions and open access resources, you can request a scan from our physical items available in the library. Fees apply. See more information on our FAQs webpage.

Automatic renewal

Items are renewed automatically up to five times for a renewal period of 3 weeks if they have not been put on hold by another user. You will receive automatic notifications if renewal was (un)successful.

Return books by mail

Library users are allowed to send back their books to the library at their own risk and responsibility, and at their own cost. Students using this service need to be aware that they have to send back the book in time in order not to acquire any fines or fees. The date the book arrives in the library office counts as the check-in date.

Return address:

ETF vzw Library
Sint-Jansbergsesteenweg 97
3001 Leuven


As we try to avoid cash, library fees, fines and book sale purchases can be paid via card (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, GooglePay or ApplePay) when the library office or reception are open, or via bank transfer:

Evangelische Theologische Faculteit vzw
BE86 2300 0873 3050 (BIC GEBABEBB)
Add “LIBRARY” + type of payment (card/scan/fine/books) and your full name in the free-format reference field: “LIBRARY_PAYMENT TYPE_SURNAME_NAME”, e.g. “library fine Barth Karl”

After the bank transfer, please send a confirmation e-mail to with the type of payment (library card/scan/fine/book sale) as e-mail subject and transfer details (screenshot or PDF report) in attachment. Then we can settle your account.

Creating lists

If you want to make a list of books for later reference or to share, use the “Save to lists” button under the book description. You will be presented with the option to select an existing list or create a new one in a pop-up window. Alternatively, check the boxes of multiple results, select the list (or create a new one) from the dropdown menu on top of the search results next to “Select titles to” and click “Save”. You can manage your lists by clicking on “Lists” in the uppermost left corner of the webpage or go to the your lists tab in your library account. You can download, send, print the list or share with another patron.

Please note that “placing a hold” is only meant to request items from the closed stacks or reserve items that are currently checked out by another patron.


As always, you can contact us through email:

Follow us on Facebook (ETFLeuvenLibrary) or Instagram (etflibrary)