De Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling Herzien

30 October 2021    10:00 - 13:00

Study Day

De Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling Herzien

Location : ETF Leuven

Language : Dutch

The Nieuwe Bijbelvertaling (NBV) has been a widely used and very popular translation in the Dutch-speaking world since 2004. It has already sold more than 1.5 million copies. In 2016 it was even voted the most important book in the Netherlands.

In response to reactions from readers, and to make the NBV even more accessible and appealing, the Dutch-Flemish Bible Society (Nederlands-Vlaams Bijbelgenootschap) has worked on a revision in recent years. On the occasion of the completion of this project ETF Leuven organizes in cooperation with the Nederlands-Vlaams Bijbelgenootschap a study morning on Saturday, October 30.

Attending this morning is highly recommended for anyone who would like to know more about the underlying choices and principles of the revised NBV. ETF lecturers in Hebrew and Greek will also engage in conversation with translators of the revised NBV to test the translation choices made in specific Old and New Testament texts.

Register for this study day until October 25, 2021.


10.00 Opening by chairman of the day Prof. Dr. Koert van Bekkum
10.05 Lecture by Dr. Mathijs de Jong – The wealth of revision: the added value of the NBV21
10.40 Lecture by Drs. Wouter Wakker – Exodus 20:5 in the NBV21: Does God make children pay for the sins of their parents?
11.05 Reaction by Dr. Jaap van Dorp followed by discussion
11.20 Break
11.35 Lecture by Dr. Mark Paridaens – Galatians 3:1-14: Faith and the Law. Discussion of some changes in the NBV21.
12.00 Reaction by Cor Hoogerwerf followed by discussion
12.15 Q&A
12.25 Closing
12.30 Lunch


Prof. Dr. Koert van Bekkum is professor and chairman of the Old Testament department at ETF Leuven.

Dr. Matthijs de Jong is Bible scholar at the Dutch-Flemish Bible Society (NBG) and project leader of the revised New Bible Translation.

Wouter Wakker is external lecturer Old Testament at ETF Leuven.

Dr. Mark Paridaens is external lecturer New Testament at ETF Leuven.

Dr. Jaap van Dorp and Drs. Cor Hoogerwerf are specialists at the NBG in the field of the Old and New Testament, respectively.


Register for this study day until October 25, 2021.

Participation is € 30 p.p., ETF alumni, students and PEGO teachers pay € 24 (coffee and lunch included).

Photo: Nederlands-Vlaams Bijbelgenootschap

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