Recognition and quality assurance
The programs at ETF Leuven are recognized by the Flemish Community, which has authority over almost all aspects of education policy on Flemish territory within Belgium. As a statutory registered institution for higher education, the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven can grant bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in the field of religious studies and theology (Higher Education Code, art. II.105).
The educational programs at ETF Leuven are accredited by the Accreditation Organization of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). All information about the recognition and accreditation of our programs can be found in the Flemish higher education register.
The last educational assessment of the BA and MA courses took place on February 27-28, 2023. The report and evaluation can be found here. In its conclusion, the assessment panel believes that:
“The programs are based on a clear profile derived from their Protestant-evangelical identity, with significant emphasis on the study of theology, supplemented with a focus on religious studies. The programs offer high-quality, research-based education, fulfilling their academic mission. Moreover, the core values of the programs are well chosen according to the panel, as they address the academic, but also social and religious needs of students.”
Quality assurance
At ETF Leuven, we practice quality assurance with each other and for each other. In order to work purposefully and efficiently as an organization, and to continuously monitor the complex processes within Higher Education, ETF Leuven implements a quality assurance system. It is partly inspired by the model of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM).
ETF Leuven involves all relevant stakeholders in monitoring quality. This of course includes our students and staff, as well as our alumni, peers from other academic institutions, the professional field and (future) employers. The quality control manual monitors the organization as a whole and education in particular, enabling efficient resource allocation through a wide range of measurement tools.
Diversity is a core concept in daily life at ETF Leuven and in our research, education and services. ETF Leuven is a very international organization and, as an interdenominational institution, brings together people from various Christian backgrounds. To strengthen gender balance, particularly among academic staff, an action plan is in place, building upon the VLIHR-JA Charter Gender in Academia (2019).
The Educational Master’s program, which trains teachers of Protestant-Evangelical Religious Education for the third grade, passed a New Program Test in 2021. The assessment report of the committee can be found here. A next external evaluation will take place in the course of the 2024-2025 academic year.
Social safety and transgressive behavior
ETF Leuven aims to be a safe work and study environment for all. Safe means that staff members, students and guests treat each other with integrity and respect. There is room to address each other when things do not go as they should. We condemn and seek to prevent any form of transgressive behavior, including unwanted sexual behavior, violence and harassment, and any form of exclusion, hatred, abuse of power or discrimination.
In situations where this does occur, we speak to each other about it and act appropriately. Read here how you can report transgressive behavior and how it is followed up at ETF Leuven
Social safety code of conduct
Read here the complete social safety code of conduct applicable at ETF Leuven. The procedure for reporting transgressive behavior at ETF Leuven is part of this code of conduct.