Lifelong Learning
ETF Leuven is committed to stimulate ‘lifelong learning’. Anyone interested can apply to follow courses under a credit contract, provided one fulfills the admission criteria. Our courses provide many possibilities to deepen your knowledge. In addition, you are also equipped with helpful tools to approach the practice with a new outlook.
The ETF Summer Colloquia are particularly suitable for lifelong learning. During these colloquia, students and lecturers from a wide range of Church backgrounds meet one another for an intensive week of study at the ETF Leuven. Throughout the academic year, our residential Master courses are particularly attractive, as the lectures are presented in blocks of one or two weeks.
For pastors and Church workers
ETF Summer Colloquia and selected Master’s courses offer pastors and Church workers an attractive form of continuing education. ETF Leuven also organizes study days or conferences aimed at people involved in Church. You can eg. participate in our Summer Colloquium as part of your study leave.
For anyone interested
Most courses and study days at ETF Leuven are open to everyone looking to increase his/her professionalism in the practice of work and/or Church. Several research institutes at ETF Leuven in particular aim at bringing together professionals, academics and students for dialogue and reflection.