Student Mobility

ETF Leuven greatly values the gaining of international experience during the course of the teaching programs. Our faculty is decidedly international, as well as our student body which includes students from various European and non-European countries.

In addition, you can follow a number of courses, a semester or a year of your program at a foreign institution. Through Erasmus+ you can visit another European academic institution, for example in the Netherlands, Germany or Sweden. Student exchanges with South Africa, Brazil or South Korea are also among the possibilities.

ETF Leuven currently enjoys an Inter-Institutional Erasmus+ Agreement with the following institutions:

Institut Protestant de Theologie – Faculté de Montpellier France
Université Catholique de Lyon France
Freie Theologische Hochschule Giessen Germany
Ruprechts-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg Germany
Theological University Reformed Churches (TU Kampen) Netherlands
Christelijke Hogeschool Ede Netherlands
PThU (Protestant Theological University) Netherlands
MF Norwegian School of Theology Norway
VID Specialized University Norway
Ewangelikalna Wyzsza Szkola Teologiczna (EWST) Poland
University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski Poland
Institutul Teologic Baptist din Bucuresti Romania
Universitatea din Bucuresti Romania
Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad
Univerzita Mateja Bela Banska Bystrica Slovakia
Durham University, Cranmer Hall UK, England
Highland Theological College (UHI) UK, Scotland

Erasmus+ LOGOThe academic secretariat will be pleased to help you in finding out the possibilities.

Erasmus+ Charter 2021-2027

Erasmus Policy Statement (EPS)

Application and Enrollment

Application and Enrollment

In order to register for one of our educational programs, you first need to fill in an online application form and send us copies of your previously...

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