Christian Leadership

The courses that are marked in blue, directly contribute to a thematic specialization Christian Leadership (75 credits) within the specialization Church and Pastoral Ministries.

The underlined courses make for a complete Master’s program of 120 credits. Of course, you are free to make different choices.

Church & Pastoral Ministries
Common courses (35)
Theol. Sociol. Research Methodologies (5)
Old Testament Exegetical Methods (5)
New Testament Exegetical Methods (5)
History of Christian Doctrine (5)
Postmodernism, Philosophical Hermeneutics & Theology (5)
Models of Christian Leadership (5)
Living Together in Pluralistic Europe Today (5)
Specific courses (40)
Issues in Pastoral Theology (5)
Advanced Pastoral Care and Psychology (5)
Advanced Homiletics (5)
Advanced Liturgy (5)
Philosophy of Christian Education (5)**
Interconfessional Dialogue (5)**
Contemporary Issues in Christian Ethics (5)
Field Study Project (5)
Free electives (15)
Moral Theology (5)
Worldviews and the Christian Mind (5)
Missional Theology and Contextualisation (5)
Thesis & Colloquium, C&P (30)
Thesis Colloquium (5)
Thesis (25)